Flesh & Blood Page 8
And then her dance partner was melting away into the heaving mass of sweating bodies as another man moved in to take his place. She felt a mild sense of irritation that the first man would give her up so quickly, so easily, but the last look she glimpsed on his face before the shadows and writhing bodies engulfed him was bewilderment, and she turned and looked at the man now dancing with her, and found her eyes falling into his.
‘Did you know you were marked?’ he said in a soft, throaty whisper that she somehow heard easily over the loud pulse of the music. She stared at him, her movements gradually slowing until she stood motionless amongst a frenzy of gyrating limbs. He drew her arms back, leading her towards a dark corner of the dance floor.
‘What?’ she said finally. He moved against her, his body molding to hers as he moved slowly to the music, catching every third beat to make it a slow dance, grinding his pelvis against hers as his arms slipped around her. His hands slid down to her bottom and squeezed, drawing her in harder against him, and Leah felt a wild thrill rolling through her body. She could feel him hardening against her as they danced, their eyes locked, their limbs moving almost instinctively, following the rhythm of the music.
She felt herself falling into his eyes, a breathless sense of anticipation and heat seeping through the pores of her skin as their bodies ground together. Her nipples ached as they pressed against his chest, and her lungs felt tight, her breasts swelling with arousal. His hands slid beneath her short skirt, lifting it, caressing her soft, overheated flesh. Another thrill staggered her as his palms made contact with her flesh, and another as she thought of others watching them. His lips found hers and she moaned into his mouth as his tongue thrust down against hers.
His hands skimmed lightly across the surface of her bottom, then pressed in more strongly, fingers kneading her buttocks, sliding firmly and hungrily over her skin, cupping her, forcing her legs wider, grinding his erection against her as couples moved around them and the music thumped.
Lights flashed through the darkness around them: green, blue, white and red, as they twisted through the gyrating bodies.
She felt him sliding the hem higher, and she was jerked out of her erotic reverie by the realization that he’d lifted the back up past her hips, the front following, and that anyone who looked would be able to see she was naked beneath. Shock flooded her but the dress was still moving, rucked up around her breasts, lifting her arms, sliding up over her head and off.
Naked but for her high heels she froze, stunned, her mouth open as though she wanted to protest but couldn’t. He dropped the dress and seized her again, still dancing, pulling her naked body against him as they turned and twisted as one. The other dancers continued to writhe and move around them as if seeing nothing out of place.
His lips met hers, crushing down, his tongue thrusting between them as his hands stroked up and down her back and down to squeeze her buttocks again. Together they turned and turned again, brushing against the other dancers. She trembled with a shamefully intense lust burning within her lower belly. She pulled her head back, staring around; unable to understand what was happening and why no one was reacting. A harsh grip on her hair tugged her head back and she cried out in pain, but his lips muffled the sound as they again crushed firmly against hers.
They danced as if in a dream, and Leah’s body continued to move to the music, her nipples, rigid and straining, raw and sensitive, rubbed against the harsh fabric of his blazer, sending flickering sensations of exquisite pleasure through her breasts.
She was naked! It couldn’t be! Why wasn’t anyone seeing? Was it all another bizarre dream?
She moaned as he cupped her breast and squeezed, as his fingers twisted in her hair and forced her head back. He growled as he bit into the sweep of her throat, and she bucked and trembled as pain flowed through her, doused an instant later by an even more consuming sexual hunger. Her hips ground repeatedly against him and she arched her back, whimpering in overheated confusion.
He turned her, lifting her right arm high, grinding himself into her buttocks as he bit the nape of her neck, and then, finally, through half glazed eyes, she saw someone who did not ignore them. He was a tall man with dark eyes, and he strode slowly towards her as her hips rolled and she trembled to the sharp prick of his teeth against her throat.
The newcomer began to dance, his hips moving in time to theirs, his fingers sliding through her hair as his face grew nearer, his eyes enormous. His hands moved down her shoulders, down her sides to her hips, and his body pushed in, his groin rubbing against her moist sex. He too was hard beneath shining vinyl trousers and she gave a sob of helpless excitement as he leaned in to run his tongue down the other side of her throat.
His hands slid down and round to her buttocks, pulling her hips in against him, while the other man’s hands eased down onto her breasts, squeezing her back. Their lips and tongues ravished her throat as the three rocked to the pounding drums and clashing electric guitars.
Leah’s head lolled, her vision filled with pulsating lights as her body was squeezed between the two. She felt fingers at her sex and opened her mouth to scream her pleasure as a finger pushed inside her. Then she was twisted around and she grunted as her body hit the wall heavily.
The first man was against her, his hand fumbling at his zipper, and she stared at the wall of dancers over his shoulder. She felt his hand pulling up under her right buttock, forcing her leg up, and then she cried out as he entered her, thrust in hard and deep and painfully fast. His hips slammed against her, crushing her into the wall as his mouth continued to chew and lick and suck at her throat.
He was big, not as big as Morales, but very long and thick, and she moaned and writhed against him, her legs trembling as she felt the soft heat of his spongy head against her sex, felt it pushing inside her, forcing its way through the straining lips of her sex, and then driving remorselessly up into her belly. She let out a strangled croak of pleasure as he buried himself within her, as she felt herself squeezing down around his stout shaft.
A dream. It was only a dream. It had to be…
He began to stroke, fast and hard from the first movement, his cock moving easily in her flooded sex. A dancer stumbled briefly against him and moved on. A couple of girls giggled at a table not far away, looking past them. A black couple writhed energetically to the music just to Leah’s right.
‘Unggg!’ she groaned, an aggressive thrust raising her briefly off her foot. And then his hands were beneath her buttocks as she wrapped her long legs around his body and he began to lift her up and down as though she were a weightless rag doll, her burning pussy riding violently up and down his rigid erection as her arms grasped around his shoulders and she pressed her breasts against his chest. ‘That’s so good,’ she moaned dazedly. ‘So good.’
He turned, moved, but she hardly noticed. Then he was sitting at a table occupied by another couple deep in conversation about environmental issues. Leah’s feet touched the floor at last, and she gasped blissfully as she felt herself impaled on his steely shaft. He squeezed one of her breasts and lifted it to his mouth as she pushed herself up, riding him, grunting each time she took him deep, moving wildly and frantically. He bucked up to meet her, his thick cock slicing up between the moist lips of her sex and jamming deep into her lower belly.
She cried out as her hair was yanked back, her head twisted to one side. She stared up at the second man, almost forgotten but, she now realized, a twin to the first, with dark eyes she felt like drowning in. She ignored the pain as he forced her head back, still moaning as the man she straddled thrust up into her sex. Then she saw the man undo his zipper and take out his erection. She dropped her eyes and stared at it openmouthed. It slid forward, and she closed her eyes and shuddered as she felt it against her lips. She licked the head as it entered her mouth, then opened her eyes and moaned aloud as his shaft slid deeper.
‘Face i
t, if we don’t cut back on fuel emissions the greenhouse effect will keep getting worse and…’ The couple sitting across from them seemed oblivious to their presence. It had to be a dream. It had to be a bizarre dream.
She moaned again as the sturdy cock slid over her tongue, filling her mouth. She felt a slap on her bottom and began to ride once more, the muscles in her thighs aching with her awkward use, but lifting her nevertheless only to drop her down again. Every deep penetration sent the intensity of the heat within her soaring. People moved all around them as the music pounded, but no one noticed as she rode one man’s cock and sucked another.
The sitting man continued to lick and suckle her breasts each time she rose up, often biting them as well. Her breasts felt tender and raw from his teeth, yet swollen with heat and an incredibly intense tingling pleasure. Every time his tongue rasped across one of her nipples she felt an orgasm mounting.
The man standing next to her thrust sharply and she shuddered, her rhythmic rising and falling missing a beat as he nudged into her throat. Her eyes widened, then she trembled against him, staring at his abdomen as her face was pulled in against it, feeling his thickness filling her throat and stretching her lips. And then she felt his cock lurching and felt the rush of fluid sliding down her throat.
He pulled back with a grunt and she swayed weakly, her eyes unfocused. The man she straddled jerked her up and down and she moaned and fell against him, grasping his hair, crushing her lips to his. His tongue invaded her mouth, thrusting her own aside, sweeping around the inside of her cheeks. His fingers squeezed her bottom and lifted her higher.
She felt a hiss and looked down through glassy eyes to see his lips drawn back. He had strange teeth. That was all she thought at the time. Strange teeth. They looked like fangs, two sharp canines, and then she watched him squeeze her breast, watched the fangs close slowly against her nipple.
She felt a pinch, and then a sharp pain followed by a soothing sense of cool relief. He opened his jaw and she saw her nipple had been pierced. She blinked uncomprehendingly.
He bit into her other nipple and she whimpered and writhed, feeling the heat and pain and relief at the same time.
‘Mark her again,’ a growling voice behind her said.
The hands beneath her raised her higher still, lifting her to her feet so that she stood, legs straight, her sex against his mouth. She swayed and rolled and arched her back as his tongue lapped over her clitoris and wet it afire. She couldn’t keep still, could not stop her hips from gyrating against him.
She cried out in dazed wonder, feeling his thumbs spread the lips of her sex, force back the hood over her clitoris. She felt a sharp prick against her swollen pink bud and then a sudden blinding pain; so swiftly gone, however, that she had time for only one shocked jerk of her hips before the relief flooded through her.
And then his mouth was nuzzling her sex again and she was going insane. Once more the man behind seized her hair, jerking her head, forcing her back to arch as his lips met hers and a hand crept round to squeeze her breast.
It was sheer ecstasy. It swept over her, an orgasm making her shudder deliriously, of such staggering intensity she felt as though she were being consumed by it, and she cried out in exultation. Her body was being consumed by the fire of her climax and her mind spun helplessly amid the gale of climactic pleasure.
Leah stared out at the milling crowd, feeling a sense of shame that bit deep into her mind and body. She tried to drop her eyes, to stare at her feet, but the heavy collar around her throat was cleverly designed to press up against the underside of her jaw, preventing her from lowering her head.
Her owner jerked on the leash attached to her collar and pulled her forward. Her face burned as they left the tent and walked out amidst the crowd. Insults in countless languages were hurled in her direction, sneers and taunts from faces filled with contempt. Her wrists pulled against the shackles behind her back and she fought to keep tears from her eyes as she was led amongst the mob.
She yelped and jerked as a hand groped her bare bottom, and then jerked again, and again, hands reaching out from all sides, groping and fondling, slapping and squeezing. She cried out as someone cruelly pinched her nipple, and staggered as a finger almost penetrated her anus. Hands pulled at her hair and spitefully hauled her head back, and all the while the remorseless pull on her collar forced her to stumble forward.
The crowd was dense, consisting of men and women in heavy robes. The women were completely covered but for their eyes, the men wore richly patterned robes and headdresses like nothing she had ever seen before. Naked, she was pulled along at the end of the chain to the centre of the town, where some guards kept a space open and she was led into it – to the stocks.
She protested weakly as two strong men seized and moved her before the ominous wooden frame. Her hands were unshackled but tightly held and she was bent forward, her neck and wrists placed in the three hollows in the rough crossbar as the top was closed down upon them, leaving her bent forward with her bottom and sex helplessly exposed to the mob. It also left her breasts swaying as a man read something from a scroll, announcing her sentence to the jeering mob, while behind Leah a group of men were separating from the crowd, moving into a rough line. Her legs were parted and then her ankles chained down, and she cringed mentally as she knew even deeper humiliation was to be heaped upon her.
A man in black moved before her. He called something out to the crowd, which heckled in response. He stepped back and drew out a long thin bamboo cane, which he swished dramatically from side to side as the crowd cheered. Leah moaned in fear as she realized his intent, then lost sight of him as he moved behind her.
She pulled against the stocks, but her head and wrists were immovably locked in place. She felt a gloved hand move over her rounded bottom, then fingers kneading the soft flesh. The crowd encouraged him with bawdy comments, and then the hand left her and for a long moment she felt nothing. She braced herself, quivering, and then heard the hiss as the cane cut through the air.
The crack of noise as it struck her bottom was followed an instant later by a terrible pain of an intensity she had never known before. She screamed as her bottom burned, a fiery line of agony cutting across her pale buttocks. The crowd cackled and cheered as she writhed in helpless pain, the sound of the cane sweeping through the air was lost in their ragged noise, and then another intense slash of fire exploded across her rump.
Her bottom burned terribly, and as another, and another, and another explosion of pain cut into her flesh she jerked and twisted and screamed, tears filling her eyes and spilling down her cheeks, blurring the image of the mocking crowd.
And then there was a final blow and a voice called out. Eager men shuffled forward before her and, gasping sniffling and sobbing, she felt rough hands on her hips and thighs, and then her sex. She was immediately penetrated by an eager erection, and bony fingers clutched her hips as one of them began to fuck her roughly. A leering, dirty villager gripped her long golden hair and twisted it up and back, and as she opened her mouth to cry out he stuffed his erection in, stretching her lips wide and easily silencing her.
The crowd held back, laughing, jeering, watching as the two men used her trussed body. The one before her thrust to the back of her throat, his fingers digging into her scalp, jamming her forward to meet his furious thrusts, and the man behind her jerked his hairy groin against her tender, scalded bottom. Yet as humiliating as it was she was relieved by the crude abuse, for surely it was better than the pain of the beating.
The rutting behind her stopped and the cock withdrew, but an instant later she was mounted again, and from the feel of it by another man. She felt a shameful excitement beginning to thrum in the pit of her tummy as the rigid organ plowed into her, and moaned against the groin of the man thrusting into her mouth, which filled with salty sperm as he withdrew, and she swallowed as the man merged back into the fre
nzied crowd and another hurriedly took his place. She made no effort to fight or resist as this newcomer fed his cock contemptuously into her vacated mouth. A third stranger was fucking her from behind now, his hands eagerly mauling her body, sliding round her torso to knead her breasts.
Her mind felt fuzzy as the groin of the stranger standing before her pummeled her face, as his cock slewed back and forth between her stretched lips and over her tongue, pumping roughly to the back of her throat as a dark part of her reveled in the rough abuse. She was growing more and more aroused, and moaned around the cock filling her mouth in wanton pleasure as she tried to grind her bottom back.
Another man mounted her and she shuddered as the sexual heat rose, as she hungrily devoured the cock in her mouth. The man withdrew, squeezing his cock and spurting over her face as he came, only to be replaced by another.
She was on the edges of a climax when the voice called out again, a wild ululation of a howl. The men moved back and she cringed with shame as the circle opened and she saw all those eyes watching her.
Then the cane cracked down across her bottom again and she screamed, and with the fresh abuse being heaped upon her she felt her eyes fill with tears and sobbed as the cane cut across her upraised bottom again and again and again.
Ten, she thought, the idea coming from nowhere. Ten strokes. That was how many there had been the first time. She did not know how she knew this, but she was quite certain of the knowledge. She clenched her teeth, gasping and sobbing as another blow and another cut across her bottom. The pain was raw, jagged, enough to make her wilt as its force battered her soul.