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Flesh & Blood Page 20
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Page 20
Then she drew back with a smile. ‘The two of you can follow the little slut around after work and see what she gets up to.’
Leah started the car as she and Sara watched the girl trot down the street to the bus stop.
‘You get on the bus with her,’ Leah suggested. ‘She knows me.’
Sara nodded and slipped out of the car, and Leah sighed with some relief as she left; the sexual tension in the car had been intense, the frustration miserable. Mbweni had given both of them a cruel dose of her sexual power before leaving. With a subdued Sara standing at her side she had kissed Leah and held her for long seconds as Leah’s heart beat faster.
Then she did the same to Sara, and then with a smirk she sent them out together to the car.
The bus came. It was crowded with rush-hour commuters, and Leah had no difficulty following as it made its slow way through the streets. She parked and waited, and her cell phone soon rang. Sara’s voice was hushed and brief and informed her they were getting off the bus. She started the car and followed.
She picked up Sara as the two walked along the sidewalk. The girl was wearing sneakers, jeans, and a loose jacket. She went in through the wooden door of an older apartment building whose address matched the one she’d given the detectives as her home. Sara slipped into the car beside her, shaking her head.
‘You should have seen her on the bus,’ she said. ‘She was flirting and fluttering her eyelashes at every male who looked her way, and that was plenty.’
‘Interesting,’ Leah mused.
‘Frustrating,’ Sara said with a scowl, and Leah understood at once. In her current condition Sara would have been intensely aroused by the sight.
Three quarters of an hour later the girl appeared again. Her hair was different, her make-up heavier, and she was wearing a short, tight black dress and high heels. They followed her to a club, and given the crowd Leah risked going in. The gyrating girl on the dance-floor was nothing like the sweet innocent they had interviewed. She was flaunting herself with a man outrageously, and his hands were all over her.
‘Jeez,’ Sara muttered, sipping a cola.
The couple disappeared through a back exit, and the two detectives hurried out the front then circled around, edging up to the alleyway, then pausing as they heard the passionate groans. They looked at each other, and then peeked around the corner.
Allison was bent over a garbage can, skirt hiked up, legs spread as the man she’d been dancing with thrust into her from behind. It was a brief but very vigorous bout, and her orgasm was vocal enough for the man to put a hand over her mouth to silence her as he completed his own business.
They then returned inside, and the two detectives followed.
‘Little slut,’ Sara muttered.
Allison abandoned her lover and found another man to dance with. There was no shortage of men eager for the opportunity.
‘I think they know her here,’ Leah said as she watched another man slip into the alley with the little blonde, who subsequently took six men into the alley during the course of the next two hours.
‘You think she does this every night?’ Leah asked, and Sara shrugged.
Finally the girl left in the company of two black men, and Leah and Sara followed them to a apartment a few miles away and waited outside.
‘I think they’re probably just chatting,’ Leah said, and Sara sniffed in contempt.
An hour later a cab arrived and the girl emerged alone. They followed, but not to her own home. Instead she went to another club, where for the next two hours she danced, flirted, and led several men to a darkened corner near the toilets. The darkness and the pounding music blotted them out sufficiently for the patrons, who didn’t much care anyway.
This time she left with three men, but only traveled as far as a nearby park, where she took all three on together, observed by Leah and Sara using infrared binoculars.
Afterwards they dropped her off at a scruffy bar. There she performed an amateur strip along with a half-dozen other girls, while the mainly male audience howled its approval. Then, partially clothed again, and supported by two men she apparently knew, she disappeared into a corner of the noisy bar. Leah and Sara couldn’t make out what she was doing there, for the frames of many men blocked their view.
After a time Leah edged closer, and when no one was watching, pulled a wooden chair behind the crowd of men with their backs to her and got up onto it. She didn’t need to look for long before jumping back down and returning to where Sara waited.
‘She’s naked and draped across a table, having sex with a couple of guys.’
‘What a surprise. Do you suppose Mbweni has been kissing her lately?’
Leah pursed her lips. Neither had discussed the hunger each felt, and she wondered what Sara thought of the excitement Mbweni evoked in her. ‘What do you mean?’ she asked.
‘I’m not sure,’ Sara said. ‘That woman sure can kiss, though. Well, you know what I’m talking about.’ Leah nodded noncommittally. ‘I felt my toes curl up. I swear I hate that bitch, but shit she can do awesome things to my body.’
Leah knew exactly what the girl was saying.
‘You’re not mad at me, are you?’ Sara asked.
Leah blinked in surprise. ‘Why?’
‘You know.’
‘Oh, no, it wasn’t your fault,’ Leah acknowledged. Sara had known, of course, about the hidden camera when she’d seduced Leah in her apartment, had known Mbweni would be observing. But Mbweni was a very powerful personality, even without her authority over Sara, even before she’d been equipped with the sexual power Morales had leant her. Sara, meanwhile, was merely a free spirit.
It was well over an hour before Allison stumbled out of the corner, dazed, bedraggled, but not looking terribly unhappy. She looked rather pleased with herself, in fact.
They followed her as she left the bar in company with an older man. The two parked for a time in a parking lot, and then the car drove off and left her on a street corner.
‘Not another bar, I hope,’ Leah sighed. But instead the girl walked only a short distance to a very stylish apartment building. She let herself in and the two quickly hurried up to the door, Sara grabbing it before it closed. Leah hung back lest the girl recognize her.
‘She got into an elevator which went up to the penthouse,’ Sara told her as she cautiously joined her.
The two got into an elevator but found it refused to travel to the top floor without a key. So they rode to the floor below it and got out, then went in search of the stairs.
The door to the top floor was locked, and they could hear nothing from within, but Leah felt Morales then, as if he were all around her, or inside her, and her hand reached out of its own accord and turned the knob, pulling the door open.
Sara stared. ‘That was locked!’
‘Maybe it wasn’t closed tightly,’ Leah suggested, knowing differently. She slipped inside, leaving Sara to follow, and they found themselves in a small lobby, the floor of pink marble, the walls of polished granite. There were two large doors before the elevator and Sara tried the handle, unsurprised to find it locked. They listened at the door.
‘I think I hear her voice,’ Leah said.
‘And a man?’
The door abruptly opened and they both gasped and jerked back. A man stood there, tall, broad shouldered, with flowing blond hair – a veritable Norse god naked to the waist. Sara’s eyes widened and Leah could see that she immediately fell under the man’s influence. Leah felt it herself, felt the creeping admiration rising within her, but it was held in check by Morales’ own hold on her.
The man smiled at them and Sara virtually melted against him. He reached out and took her hand, brushing his lips against the backs of her knuckles, and the wide-eyed girl fell slowly to her knees. Something told Leah that in addition to t
aking hold of her mind that touch told him everything she knew.
‘Ah, a pair of police detectives,’ he said. ‘Do come in, my sweet dears.’
He took Leah’s hand and she felt a jolt, but not, she thought, what Sara had felt. But still she fell to her knees, imitating Sara, wondering what the man would read from her, whether he would immediately realize she was Morales’ tool. Those in the bar had noted at once that she’d been ‘marked’. Surely this one would too.
Evidently not, for he drew them gently inside and then kissed them both, as Mbweni had done. But his lips and tongue had much more power, and both women felt their bodies become inflamed with passion as he led them into the apartment.
He led them through a large room centered around a shallow pool surrounded by colorful pillows and mats. A half dozen naked girls writhed on the pillows, and all began to beg for his attention as soon as he appeared. There were the three missing blonde girls, Leah thought dazedly, and three more besides that no one had reported missing.
They all looked like sisters, and were caressing each other as they begged him to fuck them. But there was more, as if they were wearing odd costumes, costumes of white gold, costumes of fur… but not fur at all.
‘In a moment, my dears,’ he said.
Leah’s breasts ached for his touch, her nipples already rigid. He held her arm firmly, leading her through the room and along a long hall to another. This room was oddly humid and brightly lit, like a greenhouse, and tall grass grew within. The man gave them a gentle shove and both girls, dazed and trembling, sprawled amid the grass.
At first, as Leah lay on her back, gasping, she thought the things around her were mushrooms, greenish and oddly tall, yet they were not. She tried to rise, only to find she couldn’t, that her hair seemed caught in the grass, and then her hands were caught as well, and she could feel the grass actually moving, actually closing in around her, sliding up beneath her skirt and along her thighs, sliding into her sleeves and the neck of her blouse.
It was grass with a strength she had never known as she pulled against it helplessly, and felt it tugging up and back against her clothes. She felt the fabric tearing, parting, as the grass ripped through it. Alongside but out of her sight she could hear Sara moaning, could hear her clothes being torn.
But even as it did so she paid it only secondary attention. For the mushroom things, four or five inches high when she’d dropped among them, were growing and writhing and twisting around her and over her, now a foot tall, now two, and they no longer reminded her of mushrooms at all as they began to twine around her naked limbs, around her wrists and ankles, to snake their way along her arms and legs.
‘W-what is this?’ Sara gasped, tearing against the grass and mushrooms.
‘I don’t know.’ She continued to struggle. Occasionally she would succeed in tearing one arm free, but only briefly, for another writhing tentacle, or mushroom, or whatever they were, would always wrap around it again. She was naked, the grass weaving around her.
She heard Sara cry out, but the cry was not of fear or pain. Leah twisted, gasping, and felt something moist and slick and warm against her bare sex, and tried to close her thighs.
She managed to pull her arm free of one of the things and turned over a little, then her arm was grasped again, this time by a thick green tube-like thing that twisted its way around her arm all the way to her shoulder.
She was pulled over onto her front, onto her hands and knees. She was partly covered in the things now, and strained helplessly against them as she felt a hot touch against her sex once more, felt a pressure against herself, of something soft yet firm pushing against her. ‘No!’ she gasped.
It twisted and turned and she felt her heart race, felt her senses sharpen as if they were fine-tuned, and then a wave of lust roared over her as the thing pushed wetly into her sex.
She cried out, a mixture of disgust, fear and excitement. She felt another pressing against her anus, twisting and pushing, seeking entry, and then something caught her nipples and jerked her attention down to where two more of the things, their mushroom heads opened wide, had closed entirely around each breast. She felt a squeezing, suckling sensation, and then cried out as another of the things thrust into her open mouth.
Disgust melted away as hunger and need blossomed, and something at the back of her mind told her that whatever substance coated the tongues of Morales’ little pets it was closely related to these things. Only here it was stronger – much stronger.
The fat green tubes writhed like snakes, slithering over her bare flesh, warm, slick with some kind of oozing fluid, yet very strong. Her mind was overcome by lust – literally. She had never felt such raw animal need, as if an impossibly powerful aphrodisiac had drugged her.
There was no room for fear in her mind, no place for worries or concern or anything else as wave after wave of intense bliss rolled through her. Her body began to undulate subconsciously in time with the snakelike tubes entwining around her.
It was as though she existed on a whole new plain of existence, a universe of sexual pleasure so intense it was almost unbearable. The tube within her pussy seemed to explode, to burst with a violence so powerful she could actually feel a steamy flood rushing into her womb, coating her insides as the tube deflated, then slid slowly back out of her aching sex and fell away.
Almost at once another thrust inside her, and she cried out at the force of it, cried out in bliss, her back arching as she was driven up and forward.
Then the one in her mouth also erupted, withdrawing as it did. She could feel the hot liquid pouring down into her belly, and coughed and choked as the thing slid back upward, the liquid thick and steaming, coating her throat then filling her mouth and overflowing. As the tube pulled free a final spurt of liquid poured over her face, as another tube drove straight into her gaping mouth and down her throat.
The things attached to her breasts were sucking painfully hard, but the pain brought only ecstasy as she writhed and twisted in the midst of the forest of snakes. Orgasm after orgasm sent her into helpless convulsions, her muscles spasming again and again.
She was barely capable of thought, even as another of the snakelike things emptied itself in her anus and was immediately replaced, was barely capable of caring about anything but the wondrous pleasure drowning her. She thought she might well die from such pleasure, but the thought was fleeting and drew no concern.
And indeed she would die, were it to continue. Already she was dazed, in a dreamlike state, soaked in the juices of the green tubes, her overheated body spasming as one tube after another poured its slippery fluids into and over her body.
Beside her Sara was in the same state as the green tubes swamped them. Neither was aware of the other, nor of anything else, dazed, overcome by the pleasure and wonder, choking and moaning around the tubes filling their mouths and throats as they shuddered to repeated climaxes as hour after hour slipped behind them.
Their exhaustion was soon total, yet the sexual heat continued to drive them on, well past their limits, their overloaded systems burning up as the intensity of the pleasure continued.
Neither noticed Morales as he stood at the entrance to the room, gazing dispassionately in at them.
He seemed to smile faintly, then slowly waved his hands over the teeming mass of greenery. In response the grass stilled, the snakelike tubes slowly sinking back into the floor.
The two girls were left lying exhausted, gasping for breath, trembling and shaking and moaning, nearly catatonic. As one their hands moved between their legs, fingers rubbing feverishly, bodies still driven on by the need and hunger filling them.
Another wave of Morales’ hand, however, and the two stilled as well, losing consciousness. He turned away then, for he had other business to deal with.
Chapter Sixteen
Leah woke very slowly. For long minutes she drifted in and out of sleep, her mind never quite reaching a level that would allow to her think on anything but the most primitive levels of comfort, warmth and exhaustion.
And hunger, and thirst. She drank almost subconsciously, not entirely aware of how or what. Someone was there, someone who held a tube to her mouth, a tube through which pleasant tasting liquid could be sucked down her throat to ease some of her discomfort and allow her to again sink into comfortable sleep.
When finally her mind did awaken fully it was to a desire to remain where she was forever. The bed was extremely snug, and she was utterly drained. Every movement made her groan as if her battered body had been driven beyond its limits, every tired muscle ached.
She noted the figure that moved to the side of the bed, and she was now awake enough to wonder about it as a tube was held to her lips. She sucked in a cool, strawberry-flavored liquid, gazing at the person sitting on the edge of the bed holding it.
It was one of the blonde girls. The face was unmistakable, though not quite the same as the faces that had stared up from so many pictures over the previous weeks. The hair was thicker, longer, and more golden. It framed her face and swept her shoulders, highlighting jade-green eyes, a curved mouth, a snub nose and a rounded chin. There was something subtly different about the face than those she’d looked at before, and it was only when she noticed the girl’s oddly pointed ears that she sensed what it was; the girl’s features were feline.
Indeed, the girl’s body was now discolored, matching her hair, and with fine soft lines that made her think immediately of layers of fur. It was as if the girl had been tattooed from neck to toe; yet somehow Leah knew no ink was involved.
The girl was nude save for a complex gold star surrounding each nipple. The star was flat against the centre of each breast, made of intricate and delicately shaped layers of gold. Each star had a small hole in its centre through which the girl’s pink nipples protruded, and a thin gold pin piercing those nipples which held the stars in place against her soft, full breasts.