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Flesh & Blood Page 17

  Leah backed away, aroused but fighting it, then turned and hurried from the room, gasping for breath as she felt the heat easing somewhat.

  ‘Well?’ Morales looked up indolently.

  ‘Mbweni is with the girls,’ she told him.

  ‘I trust she’s enjoying herself.’ He smirked. ‘We’ll speak to her later, perhaps tomorrow.’

  ‘Yes, master,’ Leah said meekly.

  ‘In the meantime, let’s go for a walk.’

  ‘I love the city at night,’ Morales said, inhaling deeply.

  ‘Full of freaks and weirdoes,’ Leah grumbled with a frown, her eyes turning warily from side to side as she walked along next to him.

  ‘Some of my most interesting acquaintances,’ Morales said with a smile, and Leah pulled a face. ‘Yes, well, a thousand years of experience with humans has produced a degree of cynicism, too.’

  ‘Humans aren’t all crazed beasts,’ Leah argued.

  ‘I said nothing of crazed,’ he pointed out. ‘Humans want your body, my dear. They want to touch it, and instinctively want to fuck you, with a cock or a dildo it doesn’t much matter. And why not? It’s something that gives them immense pleasure, and only that thin mask of civility holds them back. But make no mistake, my dear, what goes on behind their eyes when you pass before them is more than just an appreciation of your lovely wardrobe.’

  ‘You chose this dress,’ she said resentfully. It was a slinky spandex mini-dress, barely low enough to cover her bottom and with a deep, plunging neckline which exposed much of her breasts.

  ‘Oh, and it’s far more revealing than what you wear to nightclubs,’ he said sarcastically.

  Leah pouted. ‘That’s different,’ she sulked.

  He took her hand in his. ‘Would you like some insight into your fellow man?’ he asked in a slightly patronizing tone.

  ‘What do you mean?’ she asked warily.

  ‘What goes on behind those eyes that watch you?’

  They passed a group of young men, and Leah didn’t have to look to know their eyes were upon her. ‘I don’t need to know,’ she murmured.

  ‘You think you already know.’

  ‘As much as I need to.’ She felt a tingling run up her arm, and lurched briefly to one side. ‘What did you do?’ she asked in alarm.

  ‘Nothing harmful, nothing permanent,’ he assured her. ‘You will see through my eyes, sense what I sense.’

  ‘But I…’

  Morales turned to look at a man they approached. He was nondescript, perhaps thirty, wearing brown trousers and a blue jacket. He did not appear to be looking at them. Then in an instant she was inside the man’s head, as if floating lightly at the surface of his mind. He was concentrating on the road, waiting for a silver sedan. Then his eyes caught sight of her. She felt his interest jump, felt his eyes focus, run up and down her body, feast on her cleavage, dance away, then flick back. There was an awareness of Morales, and a wariness of being caught staring at ‘his’ woman. The eyes flickered, flitted. ‘What a rack,’ the man thought. ‘Fucking nice body.’ Her breasts were unveiled. She was bent over naked.

  They passed him and she felt his head turn, felt his eyes crawl over her hips, then onto her bottom and thighs. Again she was bent over naked, his hands cupping her breasts. Then the vision faded and he looked up the street again, waiting for the sedan.

  ‘I don’t…’ Leah started, but faltered.

  They passed another man, and another, and another. None appeared to take much notice of her on the outside. Yet behind their eyes she felt the bolt of lust within them each time they saw her, felt their eyes moving over her body, heard their appreciative thoughts on her hair, her face, her breasts, her ass, her legs.

  I’d like to get my hands on those.

  Man, what a piece of ass.

  Nice lookin’ bit of cunt.

  There’s a bitch needs fuckin’.

  Woah! What a cutey!

  I wish Stephanie would wear something like that.

  Jesus, what a slut!


  Bits and flashes of fantasies blossomed and faded like soap bubbles in the men they passed. Most of them were obscene and graphic. She saw images of herself on her knees fellating men, on her back with her legs spread, or on all fours being fucked from behind.

  ‘S-stop this,’ she gasped.

  The images swarmed around her as they passed more men. Morales was sifting the surface thoughts of them all, and she was growing dizzy with their explicit words and graphic images.

  It didn’t matter who they passed, their age or station. Dignified men in suits, deliverymen in coveralls, lounging teenagers barely into adolescence, strung out heroin addicts, shop assistants, fathers with their families. It didn’t matter. The worst was a group of young busboys lounging for a smoke outside a hotel. Their minds and eyes and thoughts rolled over her, graphic and raw and hungry. It felt as if their minds were hands, clawing at her body and groping her everywhere.

  Then it all faded into babble, and disappeared. She slumped weakly against him, shaken.

  ‘Your fellow man appreciates your beauty,’ he said with a smirk.

  ‘Bastard,’ she whispered, and jerked her hand away from him. ‘You dressed me like this!’

  ‘It would make very little difference if you were dressed in jeans and a T-shirt,’ he said. ‘They want you. It’s both instinctive and cultural.’

  ‘So men are all raving horny bastards.’

  ‘Hardly raving, but yes to the rest.’

  ‘But not you, of course,’ she said sarcastically.

  ‘I am somewhat more in control of myself. One cannot control the emotions of others unless one knows oneself.’

  ‘You sound like a Chinese fortune cookie.’

  ‘There is much wisdom in the Orientals.’

  ‘Anyway, it’s not right to – to control others’ emotions, to play with them.’

  ‘I decide what’s right or wrong.’

  ‘You are so arrogant. What gives you the right?’

  ‘I have cause to be arrogant. And power gives me the right. It places me above mere mortals.’

  ‘Mere mortals? Listen to yourself. Do you think you’re God?’

  He stopped walking suddenly at a bus stop. There were two young women there, and Leah watched as he spoke to one, then the other. Leah could see the girls swaying slightly, could remember the strange sense of falling, of melting as her eyes met his. She couldn’t hear him, but could hear the smooth murmur of his silky voice.

  He walked back to her and she saw the two young women staring after him.

  ‘What was that?’ she asked.

  He smiled mysteriously and led her along the street a little way, then stopped and turned and looked back. ‘Samantha,’ he said softly, ‘and Christine. Samantha is the blonde.’

  ‘What did you do to them?’ she asked warily.

  ‘They go to Cal Tech,’ he said in an almost dreamy voice. ‘They’re so very young and earnest. And yet within them is desire, desire they are repressing for fear of how others may see them, fear of how each sees the other.’

  The two girls looked to be no more than eighteen or nineteen. One had shoulder length blonde hair and rimless glasses, and wore a short blue dress beneath a long white sweater. The brunette’s hair was in a ponytail. She wore white drawstring trousers and a multicolored T-shirt beneath a jean jacket.

  The two began to whisper as they watched, then the brunette pushed the blonde back against the telephone pole bearing the bus stop sign and kissed her slowly and languorously. The blonde wrapped her arms around her friend and began to run her hands up and down her back. Their kiss became more passionate and the blonde’s hands slid down onto the other girl’s bottom, squeezing and kneading her buttocks through her trous

  ‘I don’t understand,’ Leah said anxiously.

  She watched the brunette, Christine, begin to fondle her friend’s breasts through her sweater. The blonde, Samantha, pushed the jacket back over the brunette’s shoulders, then peeled her T-shirt up and off.

  ‘You’re doing this!’ Leah exclaimed.

  ‘Not precisely, no,’ he said in a soft voice filled with concentration.

  ‘Stop it!’

  ‘I’m not forcing them to do it. I’m merely raising the heat in their loins, in their bodies, in their minds. They want to do this. Each has had fantasies about the other but feared rejection. They simply don’t care at this point who is watching or what happens. Their ardor is too intense for anything else to matter.’

  There were several others at the stop, but they were paying no attention at all to the two, and Leah bit her lip as the brunette almost frantically tugged up the other girl’s sweater and dropped it to the ground, then tore at her dress.

  ‘They’ll be arrested if someone notices,’ Leah protested. She could hear their groans and gasps of pleasure now, and traffic was slowing to a crawl in front of them. Samantha’s hand was down inside Christine’s drawstring trousers, moving animatedly, and Christine was moaning and swaying and rolling her head from side to side. Suddenly the blonde tugged the trousers down completely. The brunette stumbled forward against her, pushing her back across a newspaper-vending box. She tore her dress down and off, then ripped her panties away and flung herself on top of her.

  ‘Stop it,’ Leah whispered, ‘please!’

  ‘I’m not a god,’ he said with a smug smile.

  ‘Doing this doesn’t make you a god,’ she said between clenched teeth.

  Both girls were now entirely nude, their hands moving feverishly over each other’s bodies, their lips crushed together as they writhed against the box. Then they slumped and sprawled across the sidewalk.

  ‘What do you think it makes me?’ he asked incuriously.

  The blonde spread her legs and the two ground their bodies together, kissing and licking at each other’s mouths. Samantha twisted her lower body as Christine pushed herself back. Their legs scissored together as Christine leaned forward. Their hands joined and they began to grind their pussies together directly. Their cries of pleasure rose and passion and heat filled their faces.

  ‘Why can no one see?’

  ‘They can. They simply do not notice.’


  ‘A simple talent. I place a dull image in that place, an echo, a scent, a vision, and imbue it with power. Mortal eyes that look upon it see what I have placed there and nothing more.’

  ‘Like me in the nightclub?’


  ‘Do all vampires do this when they’re bored or playful?’

  ‘It depends on how bored,’ he said, turning dark eyes upon her, ‘and how playful.’

  ‘They said… one of them said I was marked. Was that why they chose me?’

  He hesitated, and Christine cried out in her orgasm.

  ‘Not all of us have the same strength, of course, and younger vampires have the least,’ he explained. ‘The mind of a human is putty in the hands of one of my age and power, but to the newly risen, well, it can be quite a challenge.’

  ‘That doesn’t answer my question,’ Leah pressed.

  The two girls rolled on the sidewalk, still kissing, still madly fondling and caressing each other. They twisted about so that their heads were between each other’s legs and began to lick and tongue each other’s pussies.

  ‘Those who have been touched by one such as I have a… a glow about them which lasts for quite some time. They possess a heightened sexuality, as you are aware, and their minds are much more vulnerable, more open to further enhancement.’

  ‘You mean they’re much easier for others of your kind to take over,’ she said bitterly.

  ‘Crudely put.’

  Both girls began to cry out in orgasm, their bodies twisting and bucking and grinding.

  ‘So what you just did to those two will leave them vulnerable to any other vampires who come upon them, allowing them to be used as I was in the nightclub.’

  He turned his dark eyes on her and smiled. ‘And was it such a terrible experience?’

  She glared at him. It had been a shocking, stunning, thrilling experience, one of the most fantastic of her life. ‘But it’s not up to you to do that without even asking!’ she insisted vehemently.

  ‘Very well.’ He raised a hand and seemed to clutch at something, and almost immediately the two girls rolled apart. They cried out in shock, springing away from each other and staring around them, their eyes wide. Then they began to frantically scramble after their clothes, tugging them on as quickly as they could.

  ‘Now instead of the joy and wonder they could have felt they will be left feeling shame and guilt,’ he said. ‘Are you content with that?’

  Leah shook her head and he shrugged helplessly.

  ‘You’re an arrogant asshole!’ she spat.

  He frowned at her and his eyes narrowed. ‘Beware of angering me, my sweet.’

  Leah felt a sudden swelling heat within her body and tried to swallow her anger. ‘You have no right to… to a-abuse… you s-stop this!’ she gasped. The heat rose around her like a curtain, a sweltering heat that had her body trembling with need. ‘B-bastard,’ she panted, trying to keep her trembling hands away from her body – and his.

  He smiled condescendingly. ‘You may apologize at any time.’

  ‘F-fu-fuc… oh!’ Her hands slid under the short hem of her dress and she arched her back as she felt her bare sex against her fingers. She stumbled back against the wall behind her, rubbing frantically at herself with one hand as she squeezed the other down the front of her dress to fondle and knead her breasts. She tore the top of the dress down, her breasts spilling free, and groaned as she sank to her knees on the sidewalk, squeezing and mauling herself. She bent forward, gasping, thrusting one, two, then three fingers into her pussy, pumping desperately as her climax neared.

  Yet it hovered on the edge, a sliver away, and despite the terrible heat and need driving her she could not push herself across. Gasping, moaning, she pulled her head up and back and stared at him, understanding somehow that he was preventing her from climaxing. ‘P-please!’ she begged.

  ‘Remove your dress,’ he said calmly, and her hands tore at it, ripping it up and off. It brushed against the ankles of an old lady tottering by.

  ‘Your climax is denied you,’ he told her coldly.

  ‘Please,’ she whimpered, pumping furiously, four fingers inside her now.

  ‘Do you acknowledge my power?’

  ‘Yes!’ she cried.

  ‘My supremacy?’

  ‘Yes,’ she sobbed. ‘Anything!’

  ‘And you do apologize for your rudeness, of course.’


  ‘And will accept my punishment?’

  ‘Yes! Please, please, master!’ She had never felt a need so intense, so all consuming. She was feverish with the sexual pressure tearing through her body and mind. A group of young men walked by, talking about a football game. One detoured to her left, another to her right. None looked down at her in passing.

  The orgasm burst within her. She screamed, thrown over onto her back. Her legs flopped aside as her body began to buck and heave, her back arching, her head rolling from side to side. Her fingers drove desperately into her pussy again and again as the power of her release set her nerve-endings spitting like live electrical wires and forced her muscles to spasm violently again and again.

  A deliveryman stepped across her going one way, and a middle-aged couple skirted her flailing feet going the other. The final explosive surge of ecstasy tore her hands from her body and flu
ng them up and back behind her so hard her knuckles cracked against the sidewalk. Her back arched so sharply her spine creaked, and then she went limp, drained, her breasts heaving.

  A mother holding her child’s hand strolled past her, the small girl skipping across Leah’s outspread legs, singing softly to herself.

  Leah felt a sudden flush hit her body, a shimmer of cold passing across the surface of her skin. She felt the breeze across her flesh, felt the small pebbles and bits of grit beneath her buttocks and back. She shuddered and moaned, gulping in air as she stared up into the night sky.

  ‘Do not mistake my tolerance for weakness, child,’ he said, standing over her. ‘If I am angered you will come to regret it. Passion is not the only emotion I can raise in you. Now put on your dress.’ He kicked the discarded dress against her body and her eyes opened slowly, then closed again. ‘In one minute I will release the vision set on your body and those around you will see you as you are.’

  Panic hit her but for long seconds her body failed to react. Then she twisted over on her side. She gulped in air and put her hands flat against the sidewalk, pushing repeatedly until she was able to sit up, then lifting herself to her knees. She stared around, then clawed at her dress and pulled it against her.

  ‘Thirty seconds.’

  She tried to tug the dress over her head, but discovered she had it upside-down. She stumbled to her feet and turned it around, then tugged it over her head and shoulders and down around her waist. She folded the top back up, smoothing it over her breasts as he raised a hand and gestured.

  ‘Just in time,’ he said with a wry smile. He reached for her and she took his hand, trembling. He started walking along the sidewalk again, holding her arm in his, and Leah followed on shaky legs.

  ‘Ah, my kind of store,’ he said, and she looked up wearily and saw the glaring neon sign of a sex shop. ‘Shall we go inside and see what perversions mere humans can invent?’

  He did not wait for an answer, but led her inside.

  Chapter Fourteen

  She followed him inside, gaining more control over herself now as she recovered from the exertion of her lust.