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Flesh & Blood Page 14

  ‘Leah…’ the wind moaned, and her head snapped round, staring towards the door. The lights went out, leaving the room dark and shadowy, the only light the silvery glow of the moon coming through the balcony door, the curtains billowing, causing wild shadows to dance about the room.

  She tried to pull back from the wall, pulled until tears filled her eyes as her nipples burned with pain. She strained against the bands pinning her wrists together, bruising her soft flesh, her teeth chattering from the cold.

  ‘Leah…’ the wind moaned again.

  Her feet began to tremble and her calf muscles burn from the strain of holding her up, but the pain in her nipples was unbearable if she tried to ease herself down. So she maintained the awkward position as the minutes ticked slowly by. She was frozen to the core, shivering fiercely, her breath panting in visible clouds, but then she felt another harsh pull and cried out as the ring through her clitoris tugged down and sharply back. Her bottom jerked out and she cried out again at the increased pain to her nipples. The fire suddenly exploded into life again, light and heat flaring around her so that she shrieked and stumbled backwards. Her nipples came free from the wall, yet she could see the rings still straining up and forward, could still feel the remorseless pull against her sensitive buds.

  From cold to hot, the fire scorched her, the flames dancing and wildly, lapping out around the edges of the hearth as though trying to reach for her. She shrieked, trying to edge further back, but with her nipples held by some unseen force, her lower body pulled away from the fire by another, she found herself leaning forward, her bottom pushed out and raised. The ring through her clitoris began to vibrate as if attached to a fine wire being plucked again and again.

  A sharp pain slashed across her outthrust bottom and she cried out in startled shock. Her head twisted violently from side to side as she tried to see what had struck her, but found only flitting shadows. Another bite of pain made her hips lurch forward, and she gasped as the flames licked at her thighs, as the sharp tug on her clitoris forced her back once again. The pull on her nipples grew stronger, and she sobbed fearfully as her body was drawn helplessly forward to where the flames licked out of the fireplace. Then she was in among them, the flames dancing across her breasts, around her abdomen and her thighs. Her flesh burned as she writhed in the midst of the flames, but without the pain she dreaded and expected.

  Despite Leah’s brave struggles her nipples were again drawn into the wall, but this time the pull continued and her breasts followed. The wall felt like ice-cold gelatin as her breasts sank into it. Her head was drawn back desperately as her hands twisted frantically against the gold bands, but as her breasts molded into the wall her head was drawn helplessly in as well, and her world disappeared.

  Her body was drawn forward and down, the inexorable pull against her nipples bending her over. She could not breath, but did not seem to need to. Her torso moved through what felt like liquid glass, which slurped sluggishly aside and around her trembling body as she continued to bend. She could see through it, after a fashion, but not far and, turning her head to look back saw nothing beyond her waist.

  Her bottom was thrust out into the warmth of her room, her legs well apart, the pull of the gold bands around her ankles almost anchoring them to the floor. She turned her eyes back, staring ahead into a cloudy white liquid world of utter silence. Her head turned slowly in the gelatinous liquid, but there was nothing to see up, down, or from side to side.

  The pull on her nipples stopped but held her in place, and then the liquid seemed to swirl around her, rolling softly, caressing her body intimately, seeping around her aching nipples.

  She could still feel the flickering flames around her sex, the fire dancing around her legs and hips. And then another harsh slash of pain across her buttocks made her cry out soundlessly in the slick, oozing liquid wall that enveloped her.

  Then Leah felt a scalding finger of flame touching her sex and she shuddered as it set fire to her own helpless lusts. She felt the sexual pressure rising within her, flooding into her bewildered and frightened mind.

  Another lash of pain made her jerk and moan noiselessly. Then she felt a touch on her buttocks, lowering to the tops of her thighs, an almost imperceptible touch which nevertheless pressed the swollen lips of her pussy back to expose her sex to the crackling flames. She felt her sex lips spread wider, feeling her pussy opening, feeling something entering her. It was not solid, but something indefinable, neither gas nor liquid, but hot. She felt it pushing into her sex, could feel herself stretched wide, could feel whatever it was thrusting deeper inside her.

  Another lash of pain cut across her bottom and she screamed soundlessly as the thing inside her began to move more rapidly, and she felt herself swamped by the sensory overload as her body pulsed with raw, carnal need.

  The liquid wall flowed around her body, caressing and squeezing her breasts, swirling through her hair and over her face, her torso shuddering continuously to the aggressive thrusting against her punished buttocks. Ice burned into her upper body as fire burned at her lower, and inside her was a deep, absurdly thick something thrusting and thrusting, driving her mad with the pressure and intensity of the sexual heat roaring within her.

  She could feel the thing pressing ever deeper, every thrust forcing the intruder impossibly deep into her abdomen, driving like an invisible stake through her quivering flesh. Her head rolled up and down as if floating, her mouth wide in a soundless scream, eyes narrow slits until they snapped wide, staring wildly. Her throat tightened and she gagged weakly, trying to cough without the breath to do so.

  Something oozed up her throat, up into her mouth, pressing down her tongue, filling her mouth and then pushing out between her lips. It was the same sort of glassy liquid which surrounded her, but dark. It thrust out for only a moment before retreating, then thrust out again, further, and Leah knew it was the tip of the cock thrusting into her from behind.

  Her jaws ached as they were forced wider and wider. The thing thickened, pumping back and forth as her eyes stared uncomprehendingly at the bloated head emerging from her mouth.

  And it was consuming her. Back and forth it pumped, one immensely long cock spearing her through from end to end. The sensory storm was too much for her brain to contain. Her desperate thoughts splintered like shattered glass. She was no longer a person, merely a shell responding to the physical impulses tearing through it, and she orgasmed again and again around the black, glassy intruder thrusting out through her gaping lips.

  Chapter Eleven

  There was no point in fighting any longer. Leah’s will had been sapped, drained away. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to fight anymore.

  She was trembling as she dressed, feeling distracted, fairly oblivious to what she was putting on, then slipping her feet into neat shoes and not even remembering to lock up as she left her apartment. Her mind was empty as she drove to Morales’ house, but her stomach began to churn nervously as she got closer. By the time she pulled to the curb outside his foreboding place her chest was tight and she felt nauseous.

  She braced herself as she stared up at the house. It looked sinister in the shadows cast by the tall trees around it. Was Morales in, waiting for her? Or had she simply gone mad?

  She got out of the car and approached the front door with a feeling of dread conflicting with anxious anticipation. She needed to find out what was happening to her, what Morales was up to. What was happening to her was virtually impossible to comprehend, so she had to try and find out what tricks Morales was playing on her, and why.

  The door swung open with an ominously chilling creak, and summoning her resolve she stepped in onto the polished wooden floor of the darkened home. She started forward, and then stopped, frozen to the spot. Her mind seemed to remain alert but her body went to sleep, and she stood still for long seconds. Then her hands moved up, without her will, and began to unfasten
her jacket. It was a bizarre sensation. She could not feel her arms or hands. It was as if someone else were working them, making them move. She tried to stop their activity, to influence their movements in some slight way, but failed utterly. Her fingers moved decisively and confidently, tossing aside her jacket and then her blouse, undoing the clasp of her jeans and easing them down her legs. Her feet lifted one by one without her wanting them to, pulling out of the jeans and kicking her shoes off.

  When she was completely nude she walked slowly deeper into the house, her instincts to turn and flee a helpless passenger within her body. Her eyes turned neither left nor right, focused straight ahead. She walked along the hall into enveloping darkness, her body continuing without hesitation, turning right, then left, then opening a small door to reveal a shadowy stairwell.

  She descended into a dusty basement filled with pipes and wires, moving smoothly through it to another door, another staircase, and down it into another shadowy yet surprisingly opulent corridor. She continued along that one, admiring the rich mahogany panels that lined its walls and the colorful Persian rug along its floor. The rug was plush and deep, but the silence around her was deeper still.

  Leah felt her chest growing tight with anxiety. At the end of the corridor she turned into a large room, its walls lined with enormous purple and black velvet curtains. Soft, muted light filled the room, which had comfortable furniture, oversized leather sofas and padded chairs, teak and oak tables and chests. Still the silence was oppressive. Leah crept along the curtain, her hands rising, searching for a parting and pushing them aside.

  Intense fear gripped her as she peered through the parting and saw not Morales, but another man, fairly similar in looks, powerfully built and naked. With him was one of the bald girls, standing with her arms raised, bound by shackles to a pair of heavy stone pillars. The man stood behind her, his groin moving slowly and rhythmically against her bottom, and Leah caught brief glimpses of his stout erection as he thrust it into the girl, fucking her ass.

  The girl’s head rolled slowly as it lay back against his shoulder, and she watched, eyes wide, as his lips parted and Leah saw his sharp canines, and she inhaled sharply in awe as his mouth widened and came down against the girl’s throat and he bit into the soft, vulnerable flesh. The girl jerked slightly but showed no other reaction, her body still rolling in time to his steady thrusts into her anus. His hands were gripping the front of her thighs, holding her legs apart as he thrust into her. His lips remained locked against her throat as her eyes grew glassy, and he swallowed repeatedly.

  His hips moved faster, his groin slapping repeatedly against her buttocks as he increased his stroke. Leah heard a low growl as he gave a final deep thrust and stopped moving, buried deep within the girl’s body. He seemed to collapse a little, his fingers loosening their hold on her thighs, and slowly his mouth rose from her and two dark drops trickled down her pale throat as her body went limp.

  Leah backed away, filled with fear, her body still being controlled somehow, as if manipulated by some unholy puppeteer. She allowed the curtain to fall together again and continued along into a smaller room, a fireplace giving off a comforting yellow light as the flames crackled gently. Another of the shaven girls was there, kneeling back on her heels, knees spread wide, arms behind her back, and Leah could see she was impaled on a thick metal pipe of some sort, the naked lips of her sex stretched wide around it. A small chain was attached to her clitoral ring and locked to the base of the column thrust into her.

  Leah moved forward slowly and stopped before her. The girl made no sound. Her large blue eyes watched Leah approach with no sign of emotion. Leah circled her and noted that her wristbands were locked together behind her back.

  ‘Hello,’ Leah whispered, mildly startled at her ability to speak. The girl looked at her without expression. ‘I… I’m looking for Morales.’ The girl might as well have been stone but for the rise and fall of her breasts as she breathed.

  ‘You’ve found him.’

  Leah shrieked and whirled around to see the man standing right behind her. She should have tried to flee, her mind was screaming at her to do so, but there was something about his eyes, something deep and fathomless, that held her unable to move.

  ‘Good evening, my dear,’ he continued. ‘I’m pleased you have come to me at last.’

  Leah stared at him in wonder. He was so handsome. Much more so than she remembered. He might have been the most astonishingly attractive man she had ever seen in her life, and she felt her tummy flip at the sight of his beauty.

  He took a step forward and again she felt a surge of fear, yet it melted away in an instant and she dropped slowly to her knees before him. He was not merely an impossibly beautiful man; she also felt a sense of awe grip her. His hand lifted and gently stroked her hair and she felt like swooning, then grasped his hand and pressed his knuckles against her cheek, against her lips, love shining in her eyes as she licked gently at his warm skin.

  ‘Welcome again to my home,’ he said, his voice softly melodious, drifting around her like gentle music.

  She tried to speak, but could not make her mouth work. She was on the verge of tears, overwhelmed by her trepidation and lust. ‘Master,’ she finally managed.

  His lips curled into a knowing smile. ‘Indeed,’ he said.

  Two of the girls were suddenly beside her, gripping her arms, lifting her to her feet as he turned away. Leah felt bereft for a moment to see him go, and needed no urging to hurry after, the girls helping to support her as they followed him across the room. He sat in a large chair and the girls stepped back, letting Leah again sink slowly to her knees before him.

  ‘Master,’ she felt compelled to whisper again, her voice shaking with devotion. Her trembling hands reached out to grasp his ankle, desperate to show him the adoration she felt. She leaned lower and licked his shoe and moaned, pressing her cheek against the lustrous polished leather, touching her lips to his ankle and shin.

  ‘Master,’ she whispered again, her mind swirling dizzily, a fog clouding her thoughts. She kissed her way up his leg, fingers reaching uninvited for his groin and trembling, unfastened them, drawing down his zipper, reaching in and, with a sense of rapture, folding around his semi-flaccid penis.

  Leah drew him out, staring wide-eyed, lust and elation filling her thoughts as she rocked forward and gently licked the head. Her lips parted slightly and she kissed it, moaning contentedly as she lowered her head, taking him deeper, filling her mouth with him.

  She felt his fingers stroking her hair and shuddered with an inexplicable but intense desire to please him, working her lips up and down his erection as it stiffened and thickened. Her jaw was forced wider and she gloried in his strength and power, forcing herself deeper and deeper onto it. She remembered vaguely through the drifting fog that she had taken him into her throat some other time before.

  She gurgled weakly as the bloated head pushed into her throat, forcing herself slowly down the long length of his shaft. Devotion and longing overwhelmed her as she tightened her lips around the base of his cock, nestling her nose in his wiry pubic hair.

  Why was she doing this?

  It was a foolish question, easily dismissed, for at that moment he was everything to her.

  Leah moaned around his cock and drew her lips slowly back up, rising until the smooth head was lodged just between her stretched lips. Her hands moved, massaging his testicles as she licked him, as he gazed affectionately down at her.

  ‘Now, little one,’ he said gently, and she knew what he wanted.

  As though in a dream Leah turned, positioning herself on all fours, spreading her knees and raising her bottom. She panted breathlessly as she waited, tense with need as she looked over her shoulder and watched him getting down behind her.

  She felt the pressure against her sex and groaned in elation as she felt the fat head sinking into her. It
was glorious to feel him inside her, to feel herself so stretched and so full.

  His powerful hands gripped her hips and she felt her heart pound with delight at every new touch of him. With a stab of his hips he thrust hard and deep and her head jerked up as she cried out in pleasure and pain.

  He thrust again, and again she cried out as he drove his stiff cock deep within her clutching sheath. It was uncomfortable but that didn’t matter at all. The pleasure was feverish, and she could barely hold herself still as he began to fuck her, and only did so because she somehow knew he wanted her to.

  Morales knew what he was doing, knew how to use her thoroughly. His fingers played music on her body as his cock moved with increasing velocity, driving into her. He pulled free repeatedly, leaving her empty, only to thrust in and make her tensed legs quiver with the pleasure of being penetrated so fully.

  She was so close to a powerful climax, and yet she could not quite fall over the edge. She remained just below the peak, gasping and moaning as his mighty staff continued to pound into her from behind.

  ‘Ah, a new one…’

  Leah barely heard the voice. It wasn’t until Morales replied that she raised her head to see a man standing watching them. It was the man she’d seen earlier, and now he was wearing a dark robe, holding a glass of wine, and smirking down at her. And something about the smirk goaded her.

  ‘She shows great promise,’ Morales said, continuing to thrust steadily, a part of her preening joyously under his approval.

  ‘Will she be okay to train?’ the man asked doubtfully.

  Train? What was he talking about?

  ‘I want her for something else,’ Morales answered him, Leah wondering what they were talking about.

  ‘You appear to be using her for the same thing,’ the man said with another smirk.