Flesh & Blood Read online

Page 12

  ‘You wanted to see me, ma’am?’ she said.

  ‘Close the door,’ came the abrupt response, and Leah kept her expression neutral as she did so, then walked up to Mbweni’s desk and stood before it. Mbweni was looking over report forms, and showed no particular urgency to deal with her. Leah was determined not to show any indiscipline, and waited patiently until the woman got around to telling her why she was wasting her time, and after several long minutes Mbweni closed the file she was studying and looked up, her demeanor one of confident arrogance.

  ‘Detective MacInnes,’ she said, ‘I expect you are aware of police regulations dealing with the standards of professional behavior?’

  Leah blinked in confusion. ‘Yes, ma’am,’ she said.

  Mbweni nodded. ‘And tell me, how do you believe the regulations would interpret the actions of a police officer who, whilst on duty, decided to spend all morning engaging in a sexual interlude with a colleague?’

  Leah stared, and with a shock realized Mbweni somehow knew about Friday morning with Sara Yi. She felt the blood drain from her face, and struggled to keep her expression from betraying the shock she was feeling. ‘I… I doubt they would approve,’ she said, struggling to keep her voice steady. Mbweni would have no proof, she told herself, her mind racing, and even if Sara confessed it would be her word against Leah’s.

  ‘So you do understand that, officer?’

  ‘Yes, ma’am,’ Leah said.

  ‘And yet you decided to indulge yourself regardless.’

  ‘I don’t know what you mean, ma’am,’ she said, standing stiffly.

  Mbweni raised an eyebrow, then pushed her chair back and turned to the credenza behind her. She pressed a button on a VCR sitting on a lower shelf and the television monitor came to life. As Leah stared at the screen her eyes widened, and she felt as if she’d been punched in the gut. She saw herself slumped back on the sofa naked, legs spread wide, knees drawn back, as Yi lapped at her pussy. She blushed furiously as the scene changed to her fucking the Asian girl with the large dildo. ‘Stop it!’ she pleaded in a strangled voice, knowing it was hopeless when she saw the date and time clearly showing in the bottom right corner of the screen. ‘Please, ma’am, I don’t need to see anymore.’

  Mbweni flicked the recording off and turned to confront her. ‘So you don’t know what I mean?’

  ‘H-how did you get that?’ she stuttered.

  ‘That is not important.’

  ‘But it’s a violation of my privacy,’ Leah complained.

  ‘It was submitted to me anonymously by a concerned citizen,’ Mbweni said. ‘And I would be negligent in my duty if I did not confront you with it.’

  ‘Are you kidding me?’ Leah gasped. ‘How did anyone manage to film that?’

  ‘I’m sure you would know that better than I, MacInnes. However, my concern is not with your sexual promiscuity or perversity but with what you do whilst on duty. Now, have you anything to say for yourself?’

  Leah took a deep breath in an effort to calm herself. ‘How did anyone manage to film us?’ she demanded again.

  ‘My only concern lies in what to do with you,’ Mbweni stated, easily deflecting the question. ‘Clearly I cannot overlook this, but if I draw up formal charges against you involving such prurient material the media will certainly become involved. It’s the kind of scandal the press adores.’

  Leah hated the woman, but there was no question she was right. The press would lap up such a salacious scoop and it would destroy her career.

  ‘But on the other hand,’ Mbweni continued, ‘it is not absolutely necessary that this sordid episode should become public, although you must certainly be punished, of course.’ She smiled a cunning smile, and Leah felt outrage and then, infuriatingly, arousal.

  ‘What do you want?’ she demanded through tight lips.

  Mbweni smiled and got up, moving around her desk and then behind Leah, who felt her stomach lurch as the woman locked the door and then leaned back against it.

  ‘Let me see what you have to offer,’ she suggested breezily.

  ‘You bitch,’ Leah said, but the words did not have the venom they should have, for her pussy was tingling with the growing certainty she would have to submit to the woman, and the remembrance of what she wore beneath her clothes.

  ‘And I shall also have to punish you for that disrespectful little outburst, of course,’ Mbweni said, thin eyebrows arched. ‘And I must warn you, I’m an old fashioned woman who believes in corporal punishment for impertinent creatures like you.’

  Leah stood motionless, returning her challenging stare. ‘Come on then,’ Mbweni went on, ‘let’s see what I’m getting.’

  ‘Not here,’ Leah said warily.

  Mbweni shook her head, smiling with amusement. ‘Here and now.’

  ‘No, I…’ Words failed Leah.

  ‘Now, and at once,’ Mbweni snapped.

  Leah’s anger flared at the arrogance of the woman, but her pussy flared as well. And then Mbweni pushed away from the door and walked slowly, sinuously, stopping inches from her. Leah stood stiffly, her heart pounding, as Mbweni’s hands rose and her fingers ran up the lapels of Leah’s blazer. They slipped inside, drawing the blazer back, and her dark eyes lowered.

  ‘Mmmmm,’ she purred, ‘are you feeling chilly, detective?’

  Leah’s face flushed with indignant anger and embarrassment, then she gasped as Mbweni’s hands slid onto her breasts and cupped them. At first there was smugness in Mbweni’s eyes, then surprise, and then a triumphant sense of understanding as she felt the rings and leather beneath the thin blouse.

  Slowly, tormentingly, her fingers moved to the blouse buttons and she began to undo them one by one. Leah reached for her wrists to halt the unwelcome progress, but they were contemptuously swatted away. Closing her eyes in resignation, Leah dropped her hands to her sides as the woman completed her objective and then pulled the blouse out of the waistband of her trousers. She heard the chuckle of delight as the woman saw what Leah wore beneath, and then gasped, opening her eyes again at the feel of fingers on her ringed and naked nipples.

  ‘Well, well, well, so this is how the prim little southern girl dresses for a day at work,’ she said in a sneering voice. She pushed her hands upward and eased the opened blouse and blazer back over Leah’s shoulders, and they dropped to the floor behind Leah, who dropped her gaze, too mortified to resist or try to explain anything, and buffeted by secret waves of excitement at the touch of the woman’s hands on her body.

  Mbweni traced the line of the strap going down her front to her trousers, then quickly undid them and let them fall around Leah’s ankles, giving a soft chuckle of appreciation as she saw the bare pubis and the strap digging up between the lips of her sex.

  ‘You surprise me, MacInnes,’ she said. ‘You really do. And here I thought you were such a conservative girl. Of course, your little games with Yi should have warned me.’

  Leah tried desperately to brace herself against the rippling shocks of pleasure that rolled through her body as Mbweni fondled her, pushing her back against the edge of the desk and reaching for the strap between her legs. She traced it up and down between her pussy lips, and then undid the clasp holding it around her waist. The strap dropped, but remained firmly between her pussy lips, and only when Mbweni began to pull did she realize why, and Leah felt more shame as the woman tugged and her sex lips spread apart to reveal the black dildo embedded within.

  Mbweni twisted Leah around and gripped the back of her neck, forcing her to bend forward across her desk, and Leah gasped as she slapped her sharply on the bottom. She felt the woman’s finger tracing the line of her sex, sliding against the moist flesh clutched tightly around the dildo, and closed her eyes as she felt the rude implement being pulled out.

  ‘My, what a long one,’ Mbweni smirked, and Leah let
out a cry of shock as the woman suddenly eased it back into her, hard and deep. Her hands clawed back, her body twisting, trying to reach for the woman, only for Mbweni to grip her hair and tug her head back, Leah gripping Mbweni’s wrist to try and counter the pain. Her back was arched, her legs spread, and Mbweni used her position ruthlessly, pumping the dildo in and out, each time she thrust it deep her knuckles rubbing Leah’s pierced clitoris.

  Leah’s mind turned to jelly, her thinking processes disintegrating. Her fingers clung feebly to Mbweni’s wrist, her body trembling as she gasped in dazed ecstasy. Her legs trembled and her hips began to grind against the desk edge as Mbweni thrust the dildo in and out, and as she climaxed loudly Mbweni cursed and was forced to abandon her grip on Leah’s hair and clamp her hand over Leah’s mouth as she writhed with pleasure on the desk.

  Only when Leah’s body went limp did Mbweni draw her hand away from the girl’s mouth and still the movement of the dildo, burying it deep within her pussy and fastened the strap back into place. ‘You are clearly in the wrong line of work, MacInnes,’ she said, purring with delight. ‘I think I’m going to enjoy you immensely.’ She bent over Leah’s clothing and found her handcuffs, quickly cuffing the exhausted girl’s wrists behind her back. ‘Oh, we’re going to have so much fun together,’ she said. ‘Of course, you must be punished like the naughty girl you are. We must maintain the highest standards of discipline here at all times.’

  Leah sobbed as her hair was pulled again, but the handkerchief Mbweni pressed into her mouth stifled the sound abruptly, Leah’s lips stretched around the makeshift gag. Mbweni tutted. ‘Such a noisy girl,’ she gently admonished. ‘We don’t want anyone to know of the fun we’re having, now do we?’

  Leading Leah by the hair, she walked the shaken young woman to her chair behind the desk, then sat down and guided her lovely plaything across her lap. Leah moaned feebly but to no avail as she was positioned just as the woman wanted her.

  ‘Such a pretty bottom,’ Mbweni cooed, stroking the softly rounded curves of Leah’s upraised buttocks. She opened a drawer and drew out a pair of leather gloves, then drew one over her right hand and leather-covered fingers stroked the strap digging into Leah’s sex. Mbweni chuckled, then lifted her hand and slapped it hard across the lovely naked bottom before her. Leah yelped, her legs kicking weakly as the stinging impact made her eyes widen.

  ‘Such a naughty, naughty girl,’ Mbweni mocked.

  The gloved hand caressed the blotchy pinkness spreading across the twin globes for a few quiet seconds, then Leah yelped as her boss spanked her again, then again, then again, with three sharp strikes that made her body shudder.

  ‘But don’t you worry, MacInnes,’ Mbweni said, ‘I shall be your mentor in this as in many things.’

  Another sharp spank made her bottom flare with heat, and the woman began to punish her rhythmically with steady blows that made her bottom throb with fiery pain, tears of outrage and shame filling her eyes, but when she felt the woman’s fingers move down to her sex and rub her sense of injustice dissolved under a flood of pleasure as another climax gripped her.

  Leah lay on the floor, panting for breath as Mbweni looked smugly down at her.

  ‘Did we enjoy our little spanking, MacInnes?’ the woman goaded. ‘It certainly appeared so.’ She reached down and gripped Leah’s hair, hauling her dazed victim to her knees. She was wearing a skirt, which she drew slowly up, revealing her long legs and no underwear, and abruptly pulled the panting girl’s face against her sex and tugged the handkerchief from her mouth.

  ‘Show me how respectful you can be, MacInnes,’ she ordered. ‘Convince me why I shouldn’t leak that video tape to parties who would find it very interesting.’

  Leah tried stubbornly to twist away but Mbweni easily held her face between her thighs. She was shaven like Leah, and as Leah’s lips nestled against the woman’s sex lips she shuddered with a secret thrill. She winced as the woman twisted her fist in her hair, then obediently pushed her tongue out and licked a wet trail over the woman’s labia.

  ‘That’s it,’ Mbweni sighed. ‘That’s very nice, you naughty girl.’

  Leah could taste her, and pushed her tongue deeper, slipping it between the lips and lapping up and down between them. The floor was hard against her knees and her wrists twisted futilely in the handcuffs as she licked with growing intensity the woman’s sex. She felt degraded, shamed, humiliated, and incredibly aroused because of it. Her tongue searched out Mbweni’s clitoris and found it, and the woman’s hips rocked forward, squeezing her face into her groin as she responded.

  ‘Ooh, you naughty girl,’ she groaned. ‘You clever, naughty girl…’

  Chapter Nine

  ‘Where are we going?’ Leah asked.

  ‘Where are we going, ma’am,’ Mbweni corrected her.

  ‘Where are we going, ma’am?’ Leah asked again, obediently.

  ‘You shouldn’t question your superiors, MacInnes. If I want you to know something I’ll tell you.’

  Leah bit her tongue.

  ‘The correct response, MacInnes, is yes ma’am.’

  ‘Yes, ma’am.’

  They were in Mbweni’s car, which was at least a relief from being in Mbweni’s office. The combination of shame, anger and excitement had left an indelible impression upon her. Mbweni had demonstrated so effortlessly that she was Leah’s absolute mistress by spanking her and then taunting her while she made her perform oral sex on her. Infuriatingly she still found herself terribly aroused by Mbweni, and some submissive part of her waited keenly for the woman to make further use of her.

  ‘I must say I am quite surprised at you, MacInnes,’ the woman said. ‘I know what a slut Yi is, of course, at how easy it would be to turn her into a doting little sex toy, but I thought you would be a much greater challenge.’ Her hand dropped from the steering wheel onto Leah’s thigh, and Leah stiffened as it began to stroke up and down. ‘But it is not always easy to judge a person,’ Mbweni went on, sliding her fingers onto Leah’s lap and squeezing her pussy through her trousers, ‘and it means I can use you in ways other than the obvious, much sooner than I had anticipated.’

  ‘I thought you had already used me entirely to your satisfaction,’ Leah said tightly, looking out the window, and heard contempt and amusement in Mbweni’s reply.

  ‘Oh, I shall use you much more thoroughly than that, young lady. But I had another type of use in mind, as we shall see shortly, the same type of use to which I’ve put Sara Yi.’

  Leah turned her head to look at the woman driving. ‘What does that mean?’ she asked.

  Instead of answering Mbweni smiled coldly and pulled into a small car park, where she turned off the engine, then opened the door and got out. After a moment’s hesitation Leah did the same, wrapping her jacket more tightly around herself as she gazed around. They were in a run down area but she had no idea where, nor did she think Mbweni would welcome questions as the woman moved towards a steel door in a brick wall. She followed as Mbweni opened the unlocked door, and then followed her into a dimly lit corridor. The yellowed linoleum floors were old and peeling, and there were cracks in the stone walls as they went down several steps and continued deeper into the building. In the distance Leah could hear music and the hubbub of voices.

  They turned into a room lit by red light. It was a bar, a dingy dive of a bar with a scattering of round wooden tables focused on small stage set against the far wall. The only real lights in the room were over the bar, and over the stage, and a girl was gyrating naked on the stage, swinging unsteadily around a metal pole. Leah thought it was a seedy little place, but her stomach fluttered excitedly as she stared over at the stripper, remembering what Mbweni had told her on the phone, and recalling her own lurid fantasies.

  This was not a place where sophisticated men in suits watched beautiful women dance tastefully and shed their clothes with artistr
y and erotic precision. The girl on the stage looked neither talented nor particularly beautiful, even under the dim lighting, and the men sitting around were grungy and poorly dressed, drinking beer from plastic tumblers, depriving drunks of the convenient use of glasses or bottles for weapons.

  Leah felt dirty even being in such a place, and squirmed a little as every male eye which noticed them turned their way, dark and hungry. She felt like a lamb that had wandered into a wolf den.

  But Mbweni did not seem uncomfortable in the place, and led her to a free table near the stage, sitting down easily. Leah gazed with distaste at the plastic chair, wishing she could have it washed before sitting on it, then sat gingerly, keeping her hands and arms away from the sticky, stained top of the cheap table.

  One of the men sniggered drunkenly and threw a coin at the girl on stage, who caught it neatly. There would be no ten dollar notes slipped into G-strings here, Leah thought in disgust.

  Another man threw his half empty cup of beer and the liquid spattered across the girl’s breasts and belly as others laughed in drunken amusement. But the dancer ignored it, turning and twisting, her eyes even more glassy than those of her drunken audience, her movements rarely coinciding with the music pounding from a nearby speaker.

  A waitress in yellow shorts and a tight boob tube moved towards them but was stopped by a man at another table grabbing her wrist and yanking her aside. He demanded three more beers for him and his mates, as his hand roughly kneaded the girl’s bottom through the shorts, which were so brief the lower slopes of her buttocks were exposed. She made no complaint, but merely nodded wearily before continuing on to them.

  ‘What you want?’ she asked.

  ‘Two vodkas,’ Mbweni ordered, handing the girl a bill, who nodded and headed back to the bar.

  ‘What are we doing here, ma’am?’ Leah asked nervously.

  ‘Don’t you ever want to get out and about, MacInnes?’ Mbweni asked. ‘All work and no play, as they say.’

  ‘This is not my idea of entertainment,’ Leah said.